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Cancer Cells |
Back in the early 1900s that cancer is a rare disease among Americans. One of the main reasons for this is because most Americans grow their own food in soil that has not run out of minerals. The food they ate was still fresh, free from synthetic chemicals and contain high levels of essential nutrients.
American Cancer Association and other similar organizations stated that there is no cure for cancer. their claim misleading. Cancer is a disease that can be cured, but many alternative cancer treatments used to cure it are unknown. The main reason why they are not famous is because of corrupt business practices medicine industry. The pharmaceutical industry does not want people to know that there is a cure for cancer. If people know about this alternative cancer treatment, it will cause them to lose a lot of money and sponsors.
To understand how cancer can be cured You need to understand what cancer. Cancer is basically a group of cells that have abnormalities in their genes. This disorder can be caused by: healthy diet, acid blood, chemical imbalances, radiation, toxins, viruses, bacteria, stress, negative emotions and mistakes in DNA replication. Cancer cells have uncontrolled growth, which is why they do not know when to stop dividing. Most people do not realize cancers that occur in their bodies everyday. The reason for this is because the human body has thousands of cellular mutation every day. Multiply the number of mutations by the trillions of cells in the human body and you get yourself math problem that even supercomputers would have difficulty keeping up with. Fortunately, the human body has a repair system that operates near the quantum speed to fix this problem. System of natural healing which incredible to work with the immune system to look for cancer cells and destroy them before they grow out of control. As people age, their natural healing systems to be weak that increase their chances of getting cancer.
Treating cancer with supplements
Supplements are great to enhance immune function and health of cells. Unfortunately, not all supplements are created equal. For best results, you need to consume vitamins and minerals of high quality. For vitamins, buy that which is extracted from natural sources or made with caution. For more information about the quality of vitamins please read this article. For minerals, buy that are made with chelated minerals. One of the best cancer-fighting mineral is selenium. The researchers suggest that if Americans increase their selenium intake to about 200 micrograms (mcg) per day, they will reduce their cancer cases by almost 50 percent or more. One problem with vitamin supplements is that most of them are dried with high heat before being packed. This process destroys heat-sensitive vitamins such as vitamin C. This is why it is important to purchase supplements from supplement manufacturers who treat them with caution. herbal supplements are also good for strengthening the body's natural healing system. A natural herbal supplements worth checking out is Leucozepin.
Other nutrients that are very popular for treating cancer are iron, iodine, hypochlorous acid and thyroid hormone (natural complex version). According to the researchers, iron helps fight cancer by supporting healthy cell with increasing frequency energy. Iodine on the other hand is required for hormone receptors to work properly, the production of energy and cleanse the body from certain poisons. According to Dr. Deagle, iodine atom is required to activate the mitochondria to divide and to clean up toxic halides. For best results, buy the iodine solution that is in state newborn iodine. I recommend buying the product iodine is NutrioDine. hypochlorous acid is essential for immunity. This naturally made in the body and is one of the chemicals the body uses to kill cancer cells. Hypochlorous acid supplements worth checking out is the MMS2. thyroid hormone is useful to treat cancer because it helps reduce inflammation and bring the cells back to their normal energy state. For best results, use only the natural complex version.
Treating cancer with raw food
Raw organic plant foods, like fruits and organic vegetables are the best foods to fight cancer. For best results, if necessary, do not cook it because it will destroy some of them good nutrition. Also, eating the people who grow in soil mixed with stone dust. Fruits and vegetables are grown on land not currently contain high levels of essential nutrients, because soil runs out of essential nutrients due to agricultural practices that bad. Treating cancer with raw foods organic vegetable effective because important nutrients found in it to help support the body's natural healing systems, such as the immune system. Keeping your body's natural healing system healthy is the best way to prevent cancer.
Cancer and consciousness
One of the most important things you need to know about cancer cells is that the frequency of their energy is at a lower level than normal cells. If you somehow raise their frequency returned to normal levels, they would not have cancer anymore. The study of how the vibration energy that affects the biological system and non-living has been much studied by Russian scientists. They found that by placing the mice infected with the virus S.typhimurium in the great pyramids they built, they can recover most of them. Here is an excerpt from gizapyramid.com.
In some day, mice were infected in four 10-multiply increasing doses of S.tiphimurium, starting from 10 up to 104 microbial cells. The control was served with mice from the same crew, which was contaminated with the same doses of culture, but not held in the pyramid. It is authentically established that the survival rate of mice, after their exposure in the pyramid, considerably exceeds those in the control group of animal. At contamination by smaller doses, 60 % of mice held in the pyramid have survived, in control only 7 %. At contamination by large doses accordingly 30 % of mice held in the pyramid have survived and 3 % in control.
Russian scientists were even able to water purified using the power of their pyramid. Even better, they found that their pyramid can be cured of cancer by utilizing energy in the Earth's consciousness. They called this energy of consciousness as the field of torque. For more information about Russian pyramid research, please visit this site. Ancient civilizations also used the pyramid to enhance their awareness, increase the frequency of energy and treat disease.
Cancer and emotions
Emotions play an important role to prevent cancer because different emotions affect your body's energy in a positive or negative. Positive emotions such as love and joy has healing abilities because they increase the frequency of your energy. Anger and fear have the opposite effect because they reduce the frequency of your energy. Cancer is a disease of your body that occurs when energy is not balanced or vibrate at a low level.
Article Source: Pro Healthy Life