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Cholesterol Advance Information

High Cholesterol
High Cholesterol
What Is Cholesterol?
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. High cholesterol is a major part of the problem for most people. Okay, so what is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a sticky, slippery like substance found in the bloodstream. This is often described as similar to fat melting. It is found throughout the body naturally and it is important to our health because it was involved in the formation of the cell.

Cholesterol in and of itself is not bad for you. Too much cholesterol, when we have a number of advantages in the bloodstream, it can plug up the arteries like a stick on their side. It acts like a beaver dam in a river. He began entering through the artery to the point where health problems are serious as a heart attack and stroke can occur.

Many people consider body type and lifestyle choices impact the level of cholesterol. Well, they certainly contribute to the levels in the blood. People who are overweight, eating poorly and not exercise that mature to have very high cholesterol. That being said, thin people can have high cholesterol levels as well and just as much danger. In fact, it can be worse for them because they often just assume they are fine.

How can this happen? Cholesterol is taken with the food we eat, but the body also produces it. The liver produces to break down components of food when you eat. In some people, the liver can produce more cholesterol than is safe even if the person is thin, exercise more and eat well. In such cases, treatment is the perfect solution to a potential health threat.

What is cholesterol? Like many things, it is something we need but excessive amounts can kill us.

Good and Bad Cholesterol
Cholesterol is often held up ast he ghost of health in the media. Actually, there is both good and bad cholesterol. Understanding the two types is the key to protecting your health.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in the bloodstream. We're in a lot of our foods, but the liver also produces food to help the process. In both cases, an excessive amount of things in our bloodstream can cause blood vessel blockage. As health conditions are the way to stroke, heart attack and death. In short, should be avoided.

Not all cholesterol is bad. Cholesterol can not dissolve in the blood, so we need something to move it along to the liver where it can be discarded. Materials that do this are known as high density lipoprotein or HDL. HDL is considered good form of cholesterol because it seems to act as a kind brooms in moving chunks of cholesterol throughout your arteries that prevent stroke and other heart problems.

We found low density lipoprotein at the end of the scale. If the good HDL cholesterol, "LDL" bad. Why? It is attached to the side walls of your arteries. Because the building slowly, he began to choke from the bloodstream. Ironically, this does not cause a stroke or heart attack. Instead, they usually occur when a part of the plaque breaks off the wall and suddenly the whole plug blood flow. That's when there is immediate pain and potential death as heart and other organs of blood thirsty.

So, how do you know where you stand with a kind of cholesterol? The answer is to get a blood test. The test will indicate the level of both good and bad cholesterol in your bloodstream. You can then create a plan with your doctor to deal with the results. Lifestyle changes are usually made and treatment may be prescribed. Change usually does not cause pain and can make a huge difference in your health.

Cholesterol Do’s and Don’ts
Cholesterol is pointed as a major health problem. Actually, there are good and bad cholesterol. In this article, we look at cholesterol should and don'ts you should follow.

Why cholesterol as a major problem when it comes to our health? The answer is found in the liver. Well, actually no heart, but the arteries that supply it with blood and remove the word blood. The problem is the bad cholesterol, known as LDL, stick to artery walls. This reduces the blood flow. If this trash suddenly break away from the walls, can plug arteries and gives a heart attack or stroke.

So, what are some of the cholesterol do that? Well, let's start with the basics. Stop eating anything that has trans fats in it. They are packed with bad cholesterol. Now start exercising. This helps clean up things and get a weight problem under control. Finally, go get a blood test. They are cheap and you can find out what your cholesterol levels. Knowledge is power, so fix it!

How about a ban on cholesterol? Well, the biggest problem is your nutrition. The days of eating whatever you want are over. You need to keep food without trans fats. That means no fast food, no processed foods and so heavy. Read labels. Try to maintain an online journal of food on a site like FitDaily.com. You can see how many calories you consume, what is in each food item and how cholesterol you look for the day. This can be a big eye opener.

How serious is this problem? How important is it that you pay attention to your cholesterol? Well, heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and the rates will only rise. Yes, worse than the horrors of cancer and anything you can think of. You can literally drop dead one day. Maybe tomorrow or maybe in five years. Unless you get control of your situation, you are just rolling the dice. That may work in Vegas, but if you want to do with your health? I do not!

Cholesterol should and should not be done is pretty much what you would think. Eat better, exercise and get blood tests done to see which of your cholesterol levels stand. Stick with the cholesterol that should be and that you increase your chances of living longer. Do not and you probably will not make all that long. Sorry, but it is as simple as that.

Which Foods Contain High Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a distinguished work of the artery. This causes a number of health problems, so you need to watch what you eat. Okay, which foods contain high cholesterol?

When we talk about high cholesterol in this way, we actually refer to the bad cholesterol. This is known as a cholesterol "LDL". This is something inherent in the artery wall and plug them. This type of cholesterol should be avoided, but can be difficult. You get from the foods you eat and sometimes if your liver produces too much of it while making bile.

So, which foods contain high amount of cholesterol, to wit, the bad cholesterol? The first place to start is with what I call a meal time. This is the food you eat because they are comfortable and you are pressed for time. Examples include almost all fast food, happy hour food and things you can buy at the store or with your morning coffee. Not all of these foods have high cholesterol number, but most do and should be avoided.

What about at home? Despite the marketing spin, eggs are bad for you because they are packed with cholesterol. If you have great cholesterol levels, you can safely eat one day. Also, avoid them! In general, cholesterol only comes from animals, not plants. As a result, every part of the animal usually will have a number of high cholesterol. Exercise should always be avoided because of organ meat should be. It also includes milk and butter that can be horrible too high.

As you might have guessed, being vegan is really the best way to go. Read on it and just try for a month. You'd be surprised how much your blood readings changed for the better. If you just can not pull out, try to reduce your high cholesterol levels. You can do this by taking the Omega 3 fatty acids, eat oatmeal for breakfast, use almond butter instead of regular butter and seeking alternative food choices you bad. This can be a little difficult at first, but we are talking about your life.

Foods Not To Eat If You Have High Bad Cholesterol
Bad cholesterol, known as LDL, can clog arteries and kill you. So, you need to know the foods that do not eat if you have high bad cholesterol.

Addressing the high number of bad cholesterol is complex. The truth of this is what you eat does not take into account the full amount. Actually, it accounted for less than half. However, that does not give much room for improvement with your diet. Exercising and keeping your weight under control is also very important.

So, which foods should you not eat if you have high cholesterol? Well, the first foods to avoid are found in places - drive through. I'm talking about fast food joints. Although there could be an item of healthy food in these places, most of the death trap. They are prepared with trans fats, which is the last thing you want to eat. Avoid fast food like the plague. If you can not, you might as well buy a coffin.

The next area is harder. Most products of food animals should go well. Eggs are horrible for you as the organ of any meeting. Love the skin on fried chicken? Not anymore! Butter forbidden and so is the best milk. The good news is you can find a healthy substitute. Cholesterol has become such a problem that an industry has grown up that is devoted to produce everything from soy milk to almond butter to veggie burgers and so forth.

If it makes you feel better, almost all of us must make this change at some point. I did. I really vegan now. Sounds like a difficult thing to be, but is not. Meal replacement is so good at this moment that I can eat "fake" pizza, burgers, pasta and the like, regardless of differences. For the men reading this, I should also note that beer has no fat in it!

Article Source: Pro Healthy Life

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